Finally I published an app after 2 years of tutorials
after being stuck in tutorials trap for 2 years i finally published my first app.
Knowledge is of no value unless it is put into practice — Anton Chekhov
The story begins , when i bought a 20,000 rupees(292 $) laptop , and the first thing that i searched was “How to develop android apps?” and after that “How to learn Java?” , the second search led me to the CodeAcademy , and it’s the real heaven for anyone like me who wants to learn programming (interactive tutorials, web based editor, and helpful tutors/students), i have learnt the basics of java and now i have to go to the next step (again google does my work) and i landed in the new boston youtube channel , it was an amazing experience to learn programming with a funny person like bucky , he teaches very well , i completed his basic and intermediate courses on java (deveoloped 2–3 full fledge java apps), and after that i finally decided to go to the android development.
Reaching Androidville
Reaching Androidville(android dev.) was a mixed feeling, i was excited for making real android apps and a bit nervous to see the deep sea of android (it was overwhelming) , but i decided to learn it despite of these overwhelming things(fragments, states,Redux,Recycler view etc) , so i googled and the best way that i found to start android dev was Books , there are lot of courses in youtube too , but they seems too old , cause android was evolving day by day . I grab a book (and it’s arguably best book for beginners) The Head first Android development by O’really ,This book is the real gem for beginners, it’s beginner freindly approach to teach android dev is just fabulous, I finished this book in a month and it gives me a nice tour of Androidville (I also made 2–3 simple android apps) , but the book ended without giving me any idea about real world android dev , now i go for the next big book in the android world it’s Big nerd ranch guide on android dev , and the real movie begins , it shows me the real world of android (Intents, onPause, onResume,and the war between fragments & activities), everyday i come from my college and start writing code, i was running Android studio on 2 gbRam (now you know how patient i am), it really tested my pateince, but i did not give up and continue learning it, meanwhile i got a data entry job in my town (my exams were also coming), so i left my regular programming routine, and after 6 months i had finished my exams and i had some money, now i thought it’s the right time to go back in programming.
The wild card entry
In march , i was watching some random videos on youtube and this video just appears
I watched the video and till the end i know what Flutter is , i never heard anything about flutter before(i knew about React native, phonegap, ionic, xamarin), the thing that attracts me towards flutter is, it’s by Google,
I came here at medium and read 2–3 great articles about flutter(i always does 2–3 things), and it attracted me a lot towards flutter, i just want to try it, so i finally installed it in my slomo computer, and after that day i never come back to native dev , why ? i know how tough it is to build a simple empty drawer and an appbar in native android(it’s not that tough but for beginners it is), it can take upto 5 minutes, but in flutter i can make these simple material things in a minute(just a cliche reason of, why i’m in flutter?), after that i learned flutter from various sources (codelabs, youtube, github etc), finally i reach a point where i felt that i’ve enough knowledge of it , now i should build something, and then i read this gem (it talks about How to escape tutorial purgatory as a new developer).
This philosophy just changed my mind and life , i started my first project (it’s an android app) and finished it in 15 days.
I just published it in the play store check it out
if you like it please download and give a review in the play store , it will motivate me.
Thakyou for reading.
Happy coding!!